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New Born


                             After the baby is born, you and your child will begin to experience two-way “conversations” where you exchange sounds and smiles. A new personality will start to emerge as your kid gets more attentive and active.

A baby’s primary form of communication, crying still serves to alert parents to their needs. They may still cry or go through fussy phases if they feel overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds around them.

When you speak, your baby will turn their head, become silent, smile, or become thrilled and move their arms and legs in response. Your infant might reciprocate your smile when you do.

The sound of your voice soothes your infant. Thus during these early months, chat, read, sing, and coo as much as you like. Be ecstatic in your response to your baby’s sounds and smiles.

Whatever sound your infant makes should be repeated while you wait for a response. Your infant is learning important lessons about tone, tempo, and taking turns when speaking to another person from you. Also, it conveys the idea that your infant is significant enough to pay attention to. While your baby is “talking,” show that you are engaged in what they are saying by not interrupting or looking away. This will help your infant feel more at ease around you.

Babies don’t always feel like talking or vocalising. They might require a respite from the constant stimulation. Infants may turn away, close their eyes, fuss, or become agitated. Allow your child to rest or simply try hugging if this occurs.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cherry

    Nice it’s good

  2. Cherry

    I like ur blog

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