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Holi is taking place, and the air is bursting with colour, joy, and delectable Gujia. To guarantee that kids can enjoy the festival without danger, various safety measures must be taken.

For children’s safety during Holi, consider the following:

1. Employ organic and natural colours: Encourage your kids to utilise organic, natural colours made from fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Synthetic colours should not be used as they might irritate the skin, trigger allergies, and other health issues.

2. Guard your eyes: Safety glasses or sunglasses can help shield your eyes from colour powder.

3. Dress appropriately: Put on clothes that cover the majority of your child’s body and are not too loose or tight.

 4. Keep water balloons away: When launched at close range, water balloons can hurt people. It’s advisable to stay away from utilising them entirely.

5. Be in comfortable surroundings: Encourage your children to celebrate Holi in comfortable settings, such as their house or neighbourhood.

Happy Holi! Have a safe and joyous festival!

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