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why do babies cry at night

Decoding the Midnight Symphony: Why Do Babies Cry at Night?

As parents, one of the most perplexing challenges we face is the sound of our baby’s cry piercing the stillness of the night. The mystery of why babies cry at night can be both puzzling and exhausting. However, understanding the reasons behind nighttime crying can make this phase of parenting more manageable. In this blog, we delve into the common causes of a baby’s midnight cries and provide insights on how to soothe them.

Midnight cries and solutions: causes of a baby’s

Hunger: A Universal Alarm

One of the fundamental reasons for nighttime crying is hunger. Babies have small stomachs, and they require frequent feedings, especially during their early months. When their stomachs empty, they cry as a way to signal their need for nourishment.

Solution: When your baby’s cries suggest hunger, offering breast milk or formula can often provide the comfort and sustenance they need to return to sleep.

Breast milk
Satisfy their hunger and comfort them

Discomfort: Tending to Basic Needs

Babies can experience various forms of discomfort that trigger nighttime crying. This discomfort might arise from a wet or soiled diaper, tight clothing, an awkward sleeping position, or an unsuitable room temperature.

Solution: Regularly check and change your baby’s diaper, dress them appropriately for the room’s temperature, and ensure they are in a comfortable sleeping position. Addressing these discomforts can often lead to a peaceful night’s sleep.

 baby's diaper

Regularly check and change your baby’s diaper

Fatigue: When Tiredness Turns to Tears

Paradoxically, babies can cry when they are overtired. When they become excessively tired, they may struggle to fall asleep or remain asleep, resulting in frustration and crying.

Solution: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and watch for your baby’s sleep cues to ensure they receive adequate rest during the day. This can help prevent overtiredness and nighttime fussiness.

Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Battling Baby Belly Woes

Gas and digestive issues can lead to discomfort for infants, resulting in nighttime crying. Newborns, in particular, have underdeveloped digestive systems that can result in gas pains or colic.

Solution: Employ gentle tummy massages, hold your baby in an upright position after feedings, or use specialized bottles designed to reduce gas. Consult your pediatrician if the problem persists.

Holding your baby in an upright position after feeding.

Gentle rubbed on the back to reduce gas

Teething Woes: The Painful Emerging Teeth

Teething is another common source of nighttime discomfort for babies. The pain associated with emerging teeth can intensify at night when there are fewer distractions.

Solution: Provide teething toys or a clean, cold washcloth for your baby to chew on. Over-the-counter teething gels, when used as recommended by your pediatrician, can also offer relief.

Illness or Infection: A Cry for Help

When a baby is unwell or suffering from an infection, nighttime crying can result from discomfort or pain. Symptoms such as fever or congestion can exacerbate sleep difficulties.

Solution: Seek advice from your pediatrician if you suspect your baby is ill. Follow their recommendations for managing the illness and providing comfort to your baby.

Need for Parental Comfort: Seeking Reassurance

Babies often long for the comfort and security of their parents. If they wake up and find themselves alone in their crib, they may cry to seek the reassurance of your presence, touch, and voice.

Solution: Offer gentle reassurance by patting, shushing, or holding your baby until they feel secure and calm. Gradually, you can encourage them to develop self-soothing skills as they grow.

Baby Need Parental Comfort

Babies crave the comfort and security of parents

Sometimes it can be overwhelming when your baby can’t be soothed and won’t stop crying. Most parents can share stories of exhaustion and frustration from trying to cope with a crying baby. Never be ashamed to ask for help from family, friends, your doctor, or a health visitor. If you’re at your wits end, leave your baby safely in their cot and take a 10-minute break to calm yourself before going back to your little one. Above all, trust your instincts and call your doctor if your baby’s behaviour is worrying or different from their normal cry.


Nighttime crying is a normal part of a baby’s communication repertoire. It’s crucial to remember that your baby cries to convey their needs, and understanding these needs is the key to effective parenting during the night. While the cries may seem challenging at times, patience and the right responses can help both of you and your baby get a restful night’s sleep. Embrace the journey of parenthood, knowing that this phase will pass, and your little one will grow and develop. In the meantime, use the strategies outlined above to navigate the midnight symphony of your baby’s cries with care and compassion.

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